Winter Wellness

Winter Wellness

In the winter months, we all want to hibernate with lots of layers and keep warm, often thinking “I’m not built for this!”. It isn’t just keeping warm that will see us through the cold months, maintaining overall health and well-being during the winter season is crucial for several reasons. 

In the winter months, we all want to hibernate with lots of layers and keep warm, often thinking “I’m not built for this!”. It isn’t just keeping warm that will see us through the cold months, maintaining overall health and well-being during the winter season is crucial for several reasons. 

First, colder temperatures can increase the risk of respiratory infections and other illnesses, so taking steps to support your immune system is essential.

Second, the winter season often brings reduced exposure to sunlight, which can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Adequate vitamin D levels are important for bone health and immune function.

Third, less physical activity which usually goes hand in hand with winter, tends to bring on a seasonal slump and less jovial mood.

Fourth, aches and pains are more common during the colder months. There is a theory that joints, ligaments and muscles constrict and expand causing pain. Arthritis is also known to flare up in colder temperatures.


Common Winter Complaints

Obviously, being cold is the biggest winter complaint! That, and getting the yearly runny nose.

Our largest organ, the skin, takes a particular knock:

  1. Dryness: Cold temperatures, low humidity, and indoor heating can cause dry skin. It often feels tight, rough, or flaky and may even lead to itching or irritation.
  2. Chapped lips: The delicate skin on the lips is prone to dryness and cracking during winter. Lips may become sore, red, or even bleed if not properly protected.
  3. Dull complexion: Lack of moisture and decreased exfoliation can result in a dull and lacklustre complexion. Dead skin cells may accumulate, making the skin appear less radiant.
  4. Sensitivity and irritation: Cold weather can make the skin more sensitive, leading to increased redness, itchiness, or even flare-ups of conditions like eczema or rosacea.
  5. Windburn: Exposure to cold winds can cause windburn, which appears as redness, stinging, or burning sensations on the skin. It commonly affects the face, particularly the cheeks.
  6. Winter acne: Some may experience breakouts during winter due to a combination of factors, including dryness, clogged pores from heavy skincare products, and friction from scarves or hats.


Winter Health Tips

Combating the winter blues is both an internal and external process.

  • Extra Vitamin C and Vitamin D rich foods or supplements (like Beauty Blast®) will help boost the immune system.
  • Staying physically active during winter is essential for maintaining good mental health. Regular exercise releases endorphins, the happy-hormone. Indoor activities like yoga, home workouts, or joining a gym can keep you active even when it's cold outside.
  • Our Brainy Beauty® is the perfect nootropic stack for the enhancement of neurological health, brain cell mitochondria performance, psychological (mood) balancing and overall cognitive improvement and anti-ageing.
  • bGive those aches and pains the boot with our Hydrolysed Gelatin Collagen Booster, excellent for joint, cartilage and ligament support and mobility and it decreases joint pain and inflammation (including arthritis pain).


Winter Skin Tips:

When it comes to our skin, a little extra care is paramount during Winter.

  • Hydration is key: Cold weather can dry out your skin, so focus on moisturizing. Use a richer moisturizer or a facial oil to provide extra hydration. Additional liquid intake is also important as physical dehydration impacts the skin. When it comes to internal supplementation, My Beauty Luv’s exclusive Face Blossom®, Beauty Blast® and sustainably-sourced collagens offer unparalleled skin hydration by hyaluronic acid synthesis.
  • Humidify indoor air: Heated indoor environments can be extremely drying to skin and hair. Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air, which can help prevent dehydration.


Lastly, prioritizing self-care and stress management is crucial during winter. The shorter days and colder weather can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation and low energy. Engage in activities you enjoy, maintain social connections, and seek support when needed.

By paying attention to your physical and mental well-being, you can navigate the winter season with resilience and better overall health. Remember, everyone's body and skin is unique, so adjust your routine based on your specific needs.